Deon Kipping - By Myself - It Won't Work Lyrics

By Myself - It Won't Work Lyrics

By Myself, It won't work,
Lord I need, I need your help
By Myself, It won't work,
Lord I need, I need your help

By Myself, It won't work,
Lord I need, I need your help
By Myself, It won't work,
Lord I need, I need your help

Can't make it without you, Oh God
Can't make it without you, Oh God
Can't make it without you, Oh God
Can't make it without you, Oh God

Trust me, trust me, trust me when I say
By Myself, It won't work,
Lord I need, I need, I need,
I need, I need your help
By Myself, It won't work,
Lord I need, I need your help

By Myself, It won't work,
Lord I need, I need your help
By Myself, It won't work,
Lord I need, I need your help

Can't make it without you, Oh God
Can't make it without you, Oh God
Can't make it without you, Oh God
Can't make it without you, Oh God
(I tried and failed)
Can't make it without you, Oh God
(No way I can make it)
Can't make it without you, Oh God
(No way, No way)
Can't make it without you, Oh God
Can't make it without you, Oh God
By Myself, It won't work

By Myself - It Won't Work Video

By Myself - It Won't Work Song Meaning, Biblical Reference and Inspiration

"By Myself - It Won't Work" is a powerful Christian song by Deon Kipping that emphasizes the need for God's help in our lives. With its soulful melody and heartfelt lyrics, the song resonates with listeners and encourages them to rely on God's strength rather than trying to navigate life on their own.

Key Messages of the Song "By Myself - It Won't Work"

The song begins with the repeated line, "By Myself, It won't work, Lord I need, I need your help." This line sets the tone for the entire song and establishes the central message - our own efforts and abilities are insufficient without the help of God. It acknowledges our inherent limitations and the recognition that we need divine intervention to overcome challenges and navigate life successfully.

The repetition of the line "Lord I need, I need your help" further emphasizes this message, highlighting the urgency and sincerity of the plea for God's assistance. It serves as a reminder that we should never hesitate to seek God's help and rely on His strength rather than relying solely on our own capabilities.

The chorus of the song reinforces this message with the lines, "Can't make it without you, Oh God." This statement serves as a declaration of dependence on God and a recognition that He is the source of our strength and guidance. It acknowledges that true success and fulfillment in life can only be achieved when we surrender our own efforts and trust in God's plan for us.

The verses of the song continue to build upon this message, highlighting the consequences of trying to navigate life without God. They emphasize that attempting to go through life without God's help leads to failure and frustration. The lyrics express the futility of relying solely on oneself and the need for divine intervention to overcome obstacles and achieve true victory.

The bridge of the song provides a moment of reflection and reaffirms the central message. It encourages listeners to trust in God's guidance, stating, "Trust me, trust me, trust me when I say, By Myself, It won't work, Lord I need, I need, I need, I need, I need your help." This repetition further emphasizes the importance of trusting in God and seeking His help in all aspects of life.

Meaning of the Song and Song Inspiration

The meaning of "By Myself - It Won't Work" is clear - it is a call to surrender our own efforts and rely on God's strength and guidance. The song highlights the human tendency to try to tackle life's challenges on our own and emphasizes the need to humbly submit to God's plan and seek His help.

The inspiration behind the song likely stems from personal experiences and a deep understanding of the biblical teachings on reliance on God. It reflects the songwriter's journey of recognizing the limitations of human strength and the transformative power of relying on God's grace. The song serves as an anthem for those who have come to understand the futility of trying to navigate life without God and have experienced the life-changing impact of surrendering to His will.

Critical Analysis of the Biblical References in the Song

The song "By Myself - It Won't Work" aligns with several biblical principles and teachings. It echoes the message found throughout the Bible that we are not meant to face life's challenges alone but rather rely on God's strength and guidance.

Proverbs 3:5-6 says, "Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways submit to him, and he will make your paths straight." This verse encapsulates the central message of the song, emphasizing the need to trust in God and submit to His guidance rather than relying solely on our own understanding.

Additionally, the song reflects the biblical truth that apart from God, we can do nothing. In John 15:5, Jesus says, "I am the vine; you are the branches. If you remain in me and I in you, you will bear much fruit; apart from me, you can do nothing." This verse affirms the need for our dependence on God and highlights the futility of relying solely on our own efforts.

Furthermore, the song's plea for God's help and acknowledgment of our need for Him aligns with the biblical teaching on humility and reliance on God's grace. James 4:10 says, "Humble yourselves before the Lord, and he will lift you up." This verse encourages us to humble ourselves before God and acknowledge our need for Him, just as the song does.

In conclusion, "By Myself - It Won't Work" is a powerful Christian song that resonates with listeners by highlighting the need for God's help in our lives. Its main messages revolve around the futility of relying solely on our own efforts and the importance of surrendering to God's plan and seeking His guidance. The song reflects biblical teachings on humility, reliance on God's grace, and the transformative power of trusting in Him. Through its heartfelt lyrics and soulful melody, it encourages listeners to recognize their need for God and surrender to His will. By Myself - It Won't Work Lyrics -  Deon Kipping

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